Introduction of residual modes concept in the patch transfer functions method to model the structure-acoustic coupling in heavy fluid


The Patch Transfer Functions (PTF) method is used in this paper to model the structure-acoustic coupling in heavy fluid. This substructuring method allows determining the response of a coupled system with a reasonable computational cost. Finite Element Method is used in the proposed approach to compute the PTF of uncoupled subsystems, which are finally cou- pled through their common surface divided into elementary areas called patches. The basic equations of PTF method are reminded before introducing the residual modes concept in the cavity-PTF computation. Contrary to residual modes technique classically used in FEM, resid- ual cavity modes defined in the proposed approach are independent of the structural system and allows modifications of structural modes without recalculate residual cavity modes. They allows accelerating the convergence of the method, especially in case of strong coupling. A comparison with standard FEM is proposed for a plate coupled to a water-filled cavity and excited by a point force. The convergence of FEM method is studied as well as that of the PTF method with and without residual modes. Finally, the combination of the PTF method with the residual mode concept gives proper results for a coarser interface mesh than that used in standard FEM.

In 16th International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV16)
Mathieu Aucejo
Mathieu Aucejo
Associate Professor

My research interests include inverse problems, vibration control and vibro-acoustics.