Modelling of sound transmission through ship structures using the Patch Transfer Functions approach


Finite Element model can be used to predict the vibro-acoustic behaviour of elastic structures coupled by water filled cavities. These calculations can be time consuming due to the large size of the problem. To overcome this drawback, one proposes to use the Patch Transfer Functions (PTF) approach to partition the global problem in different sub-problems. Then, one studies different manners of partitioning the problem and different approaches to estimate the PTF of each sub-problem. One will show that the partitioning outside the near field of the structures permits to reduce the number of patches for frequencies below the critical frequency. On another hand, a non standard modal expansion based on a symmetrical formulation of the fluid-structure problem permit to calculate the PTF with enough accuracy to ensure the convergence the PTF method and to save computing time compared to direct resolution. This approach is an efficient tool for modelling of sound transmission through ship structures in the mid-frequency for instance.

In Internoise 2011
Mathieu Aucejo
Mathieu Aucejo
Associate Professor

My research interests include inverse problems, vibration control and vibro-acoustics.