Numerical analyses of the sound transmission at low frequencies of a calibrated domestic wooden window


This work focuses on the numerical prediction of the sound transmission of wooden windows in the low frequency range. In this context, the finite element method is used to solve the multiphysics problem. This choice is justified by the fact that this approach is suitable for the resolution of fluid-structure interaction problems in low frequencies, due in particular to its flexibility in taking into account the coupling between domains and the geometrical and material complexities of the structures. To reach the desired objective, experimental modal analyses of the main components of a window, and then of a complete one, are performed in order to calibrate the numerical models. Then, a configuration that combines free-fields on both sides of the structure is employed to evaluate the intrinsic acoustic response of the window. The numerical results for a symmetric and an asymmetric glazing are compared to experimental ones to evaluate the efficiency and validity of the developed models.

In Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C - Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science

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Mathieu Aucejo
Mathieu Aucejo
Associate Professor

My research interests include inverse problems, vibration control and vibro-acoustics.